Hi lovely, I would say take things at your own pace and your body will tell you when you’re ready to do things. I had unders and my recovery was rough, but I was back at work on dairy farm at about ten days which as you can imagine is massively physical and the weights I lift are probably outside of regulations! I also got kicked in my right boob on my first night back at work, got squashed between a cow and a wall and also slipped and fell within my first week back! I was really worried about damage and rupture, but each check up my nurse and surgeon have said they’re absolutely fine and if anything, being so active has probably helped my recovery and healing. I am also a single mum to a 2 year old, have a dog and live alone, so I had very little choice to be honest! I know im a bit of an exception and I’m not saying overdo it, but what I mean is that they can withstand a lot more than you think. But don’t rush, and let your chest tell you what you can manage and what you need to take a little more for. Hope this helps xxx