Im having revision surgery :) Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    Hi ladies, its been a while since i posted on the forum im just short of 5 months post op. I have had issues from the begining but my surgeon kept saying id had a good result an to be happy with it. Anyway its been getting me down so on monday i sent a long winded email over, highlighting each problem from my own reasearch. He wanted to see me asap after that so yesterday i went to see him an he was so lovely ( i wasnt a mya patient) and agreed revision straight away.

    The problems i have had are, my left breast is empty in the bottom, theres no implant at the bottom so it needs releasing. My right breast, my surgeon lowered my crease which as now slightly bottomed out and also lateral displacement. Revision surgery would have been done at no cost to me, but i told him that by releasing my left breat i am going to lose the little bit of upper fullness i have so i suggested a bigger implant so that when it is released the bigger implant will still sit up higher to give me that bit more fullness. He agreed that this was a good idea but id have to pay the cost of the implant and anesthetic which would be £950. This is fine by me because after having all these problems for the last 5 months thats a small price to pay to finally be fixed up an have results i wanted first time around.

    My only issue is, i have 400cc at the moment and i have always wished they had been bigger anyway so really its an added bonus that im alowed to change my implants but to see a change in size you would usually need 150cc larger to notice any change. My bdw is 15cm so he says there is no problem fitting any size implant in me even the 800cc would fit in but he says he doesnt want to go above 500 because doing a 550 he will have to do extra work to the pockets that he made first time round. Id be more happy at 550 than 500 necause i dont think id see much change going up 100cc, would you push for this if this was you? I just want a good result that i should have had in the first place an him having to do a little extra work on me while operating shouldnt mean i cant have that surely? I have been given 2 weeks to think everything over, so i will be going back in 2 weeks to go over it all again an book in surgery. Just wanted a few opinions, sorry for the long post 🙂 xx

    H 23

    Hi @lauraj1987 · I am pleased for you- that they are sorting this issue. Nope- if he’s said up to 800 would fit- then logically, it’s kind of offering you up to that? If he didnt mention any concern with rippling, sagging or being disproportionate I wouldn’t worry about the extra work for him with the larger implant. You are paying for the implants- so have what size you want!
    I have also been told that whilst I am not happy with the end result- they are better than they were… fingers and toes crossed for you Hun xx

    sabrina 92

    Thats great news Laura .. I think I would be perfectly happy with 500 my friend just had 520 and they are enormous compared to 400. Dont forget that too big and heavy can also lead to lots of problems.

    Laura 143

    Thankyou H, im really pleased its like a weight as veen lifted i have know of these problems from really early post op, mentiined them each an every appointment i went to an he said they was fine i had a good result. I left it an felt really down about them then i thought what have i got to lose! So sent a long email highlighting everything in detail every problem to make sure he knew i had looked all of this info up. Next day im cleared for revision! You know your own body we know when something doeant feel right they are inside us an we live with them each day so if u feel there is something wrong dont let it go. Im going to speak to him about the size next time see what he says. Xx

    Thankyou Sabrina, maybe your right an im just being greedy haha xx

    H 23

    Thanks @lauraj1987 · – very true! It’s such a rollercoaster, I am strapped again- albeit I had my op at the same time as you. It seems to be helping a little….
    Boob greed is very very real ladies!! X

    Mae 79

    Hey Laura that’s great news that you can get a revision!!
    If you want bigger then id push for it!!
    Have you got a recent pic?
    I’m also off to see him on the 5th as I’m thinking I have lateral displacement ???? and one feels really weird behind the nipple area so god knows ????????‍♀️ Ooo and also my scars are still 100% visible! Soo hoping I get some good news too xx

    Laura 143

    Why are you strapped again H? Xx

    Hi Mae, not spoke to u in ages hope your ok, yeah il attatch a pic its awful though so embarrasing so im glad hes agreed to fix me up lol. Hope you get some good news too. Xx

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    Laura 143

    As u can see my right (left on pic) bottomed out after he lowered my breast crease. The pocket is too big so it has lateral diplacement. An my left, right on pic, it has never been right to the bottom of my boob. So thats why its always had a strange shape an the nipple as always pointed down. Really hope that after the revision im going to get a good result because its been a hard few months dealing with this mentally!! An getting told everything is fine up until yesterday, just hope it all goes right this time xx

    Mae 79

    Yeh I’m okay! Still not 100% happy with my results either it’s crap!!
    They look so different to last time I seen them!! Can see the lateral displacement! Defo think that’s what I have!! 🙁
    It’s good that it’s finally getting sorted for you Hun!! I know you’ve not been happy with them for a while!! Hopefully you don’t have too long to wait!
    I hope he argees that something is up with mine too!!

    Laura 143

    I know, they did always have the problems but they just got progressivley worse over time. Im hoping its not going to be a long wait he never said anything about having to wait until im further post op or anything so im hoping when i go back i can get booked in asap the quicker its done the quicker i can start the whole healing process again. Thats the worse bit i think, knowing i have to do that again, not the operation just how it is afterward sleeping upright etc.

    I saw the picture u put on it does seem it is lateral displacement but from what iv seen online it depends how bad it is to if it needs fixing. I hope you get what your wanting from your appointment xxx

    Claudine 196

    Hi Laura, so pleased revision has been agreed for you! I have a few issues the same as you and it does get you down, i had a revision offer put down pretty early but was told i had to wait a year to have it done.
    Can i ask were you told what caused the malposition? Are they performing a capsulorraphy or new internal bra?
    Hope you dont have to wait long and get through your second recovery quickly, the sleeping upright is what im dreading most too xxx

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    Claudine 196

    Sorry just wanted to ask also, obviously the breast that is lateraly displaced is now appearing smaller, is that just because of the fact that we can only see half of it due to it’s position? Or is it now smaller and capsulated? xxx

    Laura 143

    Hi, not sure what as caused it, all i know is that my surgeon lowered my crease on the side thats now bottomed out an has lateral displacement, an that weakens the tissue so that wouldnt have helped. The other side im not sure either it wasnt ever fully to the bottom of my breast but yet its a textured implant so its meant to be pricisely placed so surely it was placed wrong from the begining? An no its not smaller it just apears smaller when i lay down because it falls so far to the side. I asked about an internal bra he said something along the line of that there was no such thing which i know isnt right so next appointment im going to make sure we sort all the details of what he is acutally going to do. I want the crease that he lowered highering slightly back up too xxx

    H 23

    Hi @ lauraj1987 · my surgeon suggested it might help – I have a very large gap now that I didn’t have before surgery or immediately after. He is hopeful it’ll bring them back into their correct place. Also, my right is still quite high. We are hoping it’s not being held by my muscle. Let me know how you get on- size and date! X
    Hi @mae14 · I am sorry you are having issues too. The whole process of getting new ‘ladies’ is hugely emotional- even more so when the end results are not what were suggested. Have you got an appointment to see the surgeon? X
    Hi @giraffequeen · when is it you’ll be coming up a year? Did your progressively get worse over time? Have you had any pain with it? X

    Claudine 196

    Hi @hetty · 
    Im a year post op in March, yes it got worse with time, i did have a gap but was told it was just an average gap due to being small breasted, it was big at first with the swelling but once they settled into pockets at 6 weeks it was fine but then just got wider by the month, i was in severe pain the minute i came round and nothing shifted it, it took 4 weeks for that to subside since then ive been in constant low level pain, best way i can describe it is if you squeeze your pecs now and hold it there for a minute, i have that sensation all the time, probably more a severe discomfort than pain but equates to pain when its there all day, if i put a bra on it seriously hurts within 10 minutes so im in a crop top all the time and support bra for bed, and ive lost strength in my right arm i can’t hoover or open bottles etc…hurts if i cuddle the kids or they knock me or lean into me, ive spent months researching trying to find out exactly whats wrong, ive been back in 3 or 4 times but had no explanation other than they can’t change my gap, it’s gotten alot worse visualy since i last went in though so hopefuly this time i’ll get some answers, allthough ive found them niw anyway! im there on Tuesday so fingers crossed, my revision was agreed by the surgeon and clinic manager but not been cleared by HO yet so technicaly it’s still not a definate xxx

    Claudine 196

    @hetty ·  i just read through all the comments and saw your back in a strap, how far post op are you? Really hope it improves your situation, do you feel like it’s your muscle holding on or just that your pockets were overly dissected? xxx

    Laura 143

    @hetty really hope it helps you, its so hard when things dont go as planned! The big build up to the op an then we have high expections an when things dont go as they should its hard. Its a big relief for me that my surgeon as finally agreed that what i have been saying since less than 5 weeks post op, i was right with it! I can actually bear to look at myself now because i know that im going to be getting fixed lol its just still a worry of what if these things happen again an thats why i want to be totally clear with him before the op on what hes actually going to be doing. Hes said my right has bottomed out but yet he was talking about matching my left to sit at the same level as the right that makes no sense to me at all they both have issues that both need fixing this time or i will end up being unhappy with the result again. He lowered my right too low so i want it putting back up, i was never even told that my right had been lowered until 3mpo. You would think they would have to tell you all this before surgery. I was really pleased he was so nice about it all because i know some people have to really fight to get revision an i didnt once he finally realised all the issues but he was more concerned about my left which never dropped than my right that dropped way too much an moves around alot so im going to be speaking with him about that next time, theres more wrong with my right than my left. Just keeping everything crossed that i get the result that i wanted first time round i cant quite believe i have to go through it all over again but if i come out with a good result it will be worth it because these boobs make me miserable 🙁 xx

    H 23

    It’s difficult isn’t it- we know what we feel, but sadly- the surgeons go on what they can see. . Laura, Let us know how you get on and what he decides to do to fix you!
    Claudine, I am so sorry that you are in pain also. I was told to watch out for arm pain- When I last saw the surgeon, I had swelling in my boob to armpit (if that makes sense) and suffer with a lot of discomfort on the outside of my right – I get a pins and needles sensation when the area is touched- I guess my implant is still pressing on a nerve, or is still too far into my armpit.? I am now coming up 5 months. To be fair the strapping seems to be helping and bringing it back in, it also helps with the discomfort. I hope your appointment on Tuesday goes well- to prepared with dates you can do, then demand to be booked in!! Let us know how you get on x

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