Menstrual cycle Started by: Khia

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  • Khia

    Hi girls, Iv just read on the app that some surgeons won’t operate if you’re on your period? Does anyone know why? As my periods are very irregular due to the implant. I have told them about this but nobody has said anything, I’m just worried if it does happen to fall on the week of my op would they cancel? Thanks x

    Sarah 35

    Whaaat? No one has told me this 🙁 I think it might be a close one for me.

    Katie 206

    I don’t know if this is true but when I went for my op they asked me if i was on my period and if I needed a sanitary towel as you aren’t allowed to use your own. I wasn’t on my period but from what they said I didn’t get the impression it would a affect the op?! Xx

    Diana 55

    Hi. I was worried it’d be on my period on the day of my op. My PC checked with one of the nurses and said that they can still operate but you need to let them know on the day that you’re on your period 🙂 xx

    Dominique 6

    I was on my period for my surgery… I didn’t even know about this. No one asked me and I just used a tampon as normal x

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