Sore boob Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 41

    I’m 3MPO now and my left still aches and has twinges, my right never has any pain at all. Is this normal, has anyone else been like this at 3 month? My left also still has abit more dropping to do.

    Katie 69

    Hey Hun yes I’m still the same!! My left is a bit bigger aswell, this was the one the nurse had trouble getting the drains out of !! Should stop eventually!!! I’m 4 months post op now x

    Jodie 41

    @Kate262 My left is bigger to, it’s so annoying! I hope they settle down soon for us xx

    Katie 69

    Haha me too!!! Can only really tell when I’ve got a bra on as leftie spills out hahaha xx at my 3month check up surgeon said they wouldn’t do anything about it as it was so minimal,they must only do revisions if it’s one cup size or more bigger!! Not that bothered though about that as I can’t really tell that much xx

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