Rice test – it's volume in ml, not grams!! Started by: Lou

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  • Lou 24

    Hi ladies,

    This is to provide some clarification about the rice test as per the instructions on MYA and some other places. These instructions tell you to equate cc to grams. So, 240cc = 240g. But I’ve realised that this only tells you how much your implant will weigh, not it’s volume/look (size). It’s only useful if you want to know how heavy your implant will be on your chest. So you could use anything for that! Lentils, pebbles, whatever!

    If you want to check out the volume/size of a potential implant under clothes then you need to use millilitres (mls). of something like rice. So, 340 cc= 340 ml in a measuring jug. You fill the measuring jug up with rice until you get to the corresponding amount of ml (e.g., 240ml mark for a 240cc implant) then put this amount into the leg of an old pair of tights and tie that up. That will give you the volume and is useful for seeing how big the implant will be.

    Hope that helps others – I was originally using the cc = gram method and wondering why 270 looked so massive!

    Liv 19

    Definitely will have to try this, thanks x

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