Sugery in July, Holiday in September Started by: Lydia

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  • Lydia 1

    So I’ve booked my op for 2nd July, however I’ve booked to go to Turkey on the 3rd September. Will I be ok in this time and out of sports bras? Also tanning.. I was hoping to hit a couple of sunbeds before flying out there, is this allowed if I cover the scars? And will I be ok in a water park and going in the pool etc? I should be 8wpo by then. Sorry for all the questions, it feels so far away so my mind is just running overtime 🙁

    Rebekah 174

    @lydiajane27 (I’m 12 weeks post op )I would say you’ll defo be ok , just be careful at the water pack you might still be tender going down slides etc !! , you only need to wear your sports bras for 6 weeks they say and yes defo cover your scars on the sunbed as they will still be fresh and raw !, you’ll be fine in the pool too , also when you lay down and sun bathe make sure your scars don’t pop out they arnt aloud no direct sunlight for a while good luck and enjoy your holiday 🙂 xxx

    Lydia 1

    @rebekah1993 thanks for replying! Did you have overs or unders? I’m hoping to have unders but waiting to meet my surgeon so hoping she will advise what’s best then. Ah you’ve definitely made me feel more relaxed, just worry I’m a slow healer xx


    Reading this has put my mind at rest. I’m booked in for surgery at the end of June and flying to Turkey on the 1st September! Xx

    Rebekah 174

    @lydiajane27 I had 365cc unders 🙂 I’m sure you’ll be fine you feel like the pain won’t go away but honestly by a couple of weeks your back to normal I went back to work after a week xxx

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