295cc overs, will they change much? Started by: E

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  • E 5

    Hi guys!

    I’m 9 dpo and I’m just wondering how much my boobs might change after a few weeks/ months.

    I’ve heard about them dropping and fluffing but does that still happen with overs?

    Thanks! Xxx

    Kim 3

    Following – as I had 300cc overs and would like to know if they still “drop and fluff” and I’d also like to see some progression/changing pictures of similar size x

    Caz94 1

    Hey I’m having 295 overs on Thursday! How are yours? Have they fluffled yet? And do you wish you went bigger ? Iv added you xx

    E 5

    Mine are great! Absolutely love them! At first, I really wish I went bigger as you get used to them really quickly but now I’m really happy with the size! I think moving out of a sports bra and wearing normal bras and push up bras helps! Xxx

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