Absolutely hate everything about them Started by: Fb

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  • Fb 1

    I hate hate hate my boobs
    I’m 10 weeks post op and they are awful !
    Really starting to regret getting a breast augumentation now

    I was originally a 34 c ( haven’t been measured but that’s what bra I wore ) andnow im a 32F , the size of the breasts I’m happy with however the whole look of them I do not like what so ever

    I have tenting invetween the breasts which looks awful , they are far too close together , one boob looks wonky. They just look awful and look horrendous in bikinis 🙁 🙁

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    Charlotte 8

    Sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with your results. I think they look absolutely amazing!!! I don’t think either of your boobs look wonky but I guess you notice every flaw on your own, I know I do with mine. They are honestly fab! xxx

    Ellie 16

    Wish my resulrs had been as good as yours!! im a year post op and havjng to have revision surgery, they look so natural aswell! id gladly swap you anyday ????????

    marisa 1

    what surgeon did you have? and why dont you like them thats so horrible that you feel that way thats what im worried about x


    Aww maybe talk to your surgeon,who was it?personally I think they look fab but we are own worst critics x

    Fb 1

    I had mr traynor ladies!
    Thanks for the kind comments , I just really don’t think them what so ever.
    The left breast is a completely different shape compared the right , not really noticeable isn’t he picture for some reason?

    I have my 3 month check up in September so will be addressing the concerns xx

    Kay 46

    What did you have? Unders or overs? High profile? And what size implants. I think they look lovely’s you can’t see the difference unless you really stare and play spot the difference. Did you have different sized boobs before? X

    Stacey 498

    Hi hun I had Traynor on the 14 June last year so over a year post op now and I know it doesn’t feel like it now but 10 weeks post op is still so early on you still have loads of changes to go thought and they will change and starting looking a lot better in time I didn’t fully start to love my boobs till around the 6 month mark befor then I had a love hate relationship the dent in your boob could be rippling or could be where the implant is yet to settle fully give it time hun you will start to love them xxx

    Paula 12

    What cc you do FB ??

    Laura 41

    I personally really like them this would ideal be the look I’d like as it’s a cleavage with no bra and that’s what I’m wanting. Such a shame your not happy but as others have said there still alot of changies to happen. I know that people saying they look good won’t change how you feel but maybe give it time and don’t think so much about you not liking them just keep thinking they are going to chance but like I say I really like them this is the ideal results I’d want xxx

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