What's too big !! Started by: Fee

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  • Fee 1

    I’ve just been skimming through older posts on here regarding breast reduction and seen a few comments of women who initially wanted breast lift but were told would also need reduction.

    I’m a 32g and have uhmmed and ahhed about whether to get a reduction at same time. I just wondered if anyone else has gone in with similar sized breasts and been advised to go ahead with reduction alongside the lift ?? Xxx


    Hi Fee

    I recently went for a consultation and was advised to have a reduction as I’m also a 32G. I think If they lift a G cup they’ll start to sag again over time so you won’t have the results you want.
    I’m a bit concerned that it’ll end up being a huge shock because nice always had big boobs but equally I get back,neck pain and struggle with clothes because of my breast size. Ideally I’d like them smaller and more manageable so I guess I’ll take the advice of the surgeon. I’m seeing him later this month.

    Not sure if that helps!

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