Recover Time? Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren

    Hi All,

    Strongly considering getting my breast done soon.
    How long is post op recovery on average for most people? Until you feel 100% and Fully healed?


    Ps. I may require more time as I am a Massage Therapist and need strength in my arms and chest to work so would need to know how long until I would physically be healed also

    Jamie 55

    I think it depends what your having, I’m a support worker and all of my patients are bed bound so I do a lot of moving with my upper body, I had overs and took three weeks off, but found by the end of my shift I really ached, I would say I was fully healed by 5-6 weeks but obviously that’s too long to take off work, I had a straight forward recovery though didn’t have any pain relief after the first day xx

    Danielle 6

    Think it all depends by day 4 I’d stopped taking pain killers and day 6/7 started doing little house work and leaving the house I was driving by Day 7 too this all
    Just tired me out for a few days ???? I’m 12 days post op and I still can’t get my car into 5th gear and can’t lift my Arms up too much either not in pain it just pulls! I’m home now so doing a lot more as I’m a single mom with 2 young kids so I can’t take it as easy as the first week I was with my Mom so she did everything everyone is different though

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