Ok so my recovery has been really good so far really
It’s just my right (dominant side) that’s got a hypersensitive nipple & significantly less movement in my arm. My one week post op check is tomorrow so I’ll see what the nurse says.
Was really nervous yesterday cause it was the last day of the muscle relaxants but hasn’t caused any drama thankfully. I don’t seem to have any bruising which is odd cause I’m a red head & normally bruise easily but I certainly won’t complain.
I’ve tried to keep painkillers to a minimum but still taking some at night cause I wake up at the crack of dawn every morning with “morning devil boob”!
I had 350cc unders (started with a 34a – lord only knows what I am now but I think I’ll be a large C once the swelling goes down)
I had a “lip” on the under side of both breasts going into surgery so the Dr made cuts in the tissue to even that out. From what I can see it looks to have worked which is awesome. Thinking it’s that extra element that makes the incision area quite sore but I guess could just be normal pain & tightness from being cut open.
How’s everyone else healing post op?