Macom bra’s Started by: Tor

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  • Tor 7

    Where have everyone bought their Macom post surgery bras from?
    Any advice? X

    Laurane 12

    I bought mine direct from their website. If you have a look there’s usually a code for 10-15% off. Thought it would be the easier to buy them as you only need your band size so it saves you from trying to guess what size you need after surgery. I bought two signature bras but did like the look of the I-bra. I’ll see how I get on with two and might buy one if I feel I need it. Delivery was super fast. I have noticed some girls selling them on here second hand so you could always have a search for them x

    Lauren 54

    Thing you can only get them from the Macom medical website. Use code MYA for 15 % off.
    I’ve been wearing the i-bra as I had larger implants and it’s fab!

    Danni 7

    I googled macom discount and got % off they’re worth getting X

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