Hi girls
I am 8 days post op now and back at work. I had 350cc HP unders with Mr Traiynor (who by the way I loved – thought he was honest and to the point)
I was originally having overs but on the day he decided unders was best so we went with that. I didn’t think much on the day that unders might mean I lost a bit of size.
I read a lot about girls loving their boobs then hating them a bit to start with and I’m experiencing this. I love them 1 minute as I was previously a 32b with nothing so having boobs is now amazing but I then have this horrible dread that they are perhaps not as big as I expected (again I know a lot of girls always say they wish they had gone bigger so I know this can be normal) and not quite as defined in shape as I wanted
Have many of you experienced feeling completely mixed towards your boobs and did you find this changed with time?
I know I’m only 1 week post op and they have got a lot of settling to do yet but would be grateful for anyone else’s experiences
Thanks xxx