Any small implant ladies done by Max Marcellino? Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 8

    Hi girls, I’m looking for anyone who had surgery done by dr Marcelino?
    I’m having surgery by him in September. I only met him once and it was so quick, he seemed quite blunt and straight forward and I didn’t get an overly great approach from him, but at the same time this could be because he’s Italian???
    Just want to make sure I’ve been given the right surgeon for me.
    What are other girls experiences like, is he good on surgery day? I am putting my full trust into him, and I really want to end up a Big size compared to what I am now. He’s suggested 275CC HP unders from 32A
    Thank you!!! X

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Jess 8.

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