Opinions? 5’9” tall, 10 stone 1, 34B? Started by: Becca

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  • Becca 168

    Hi all! Brand new to all of this and just looking for some advice!

    I am 5’9” tall and weigh 10 stone 1 at present, although I am currently working on losing weight. I measure 36” chest, 26.5” waist, 39” hips and wear a size 10 top and size 12 bottoms. I am roughly a 34B now since I have lost 3 stone in a fairly short amount of time after realising I was horribly overweight, and my boobs look horrendous and out of proportion with the rest of my body.

    I am looking to increase to a 34DD or 34E I think. Because I am tall and have a fairly large / broad frame, I was just wondering what people’s opinions were regarding whether this would look nice / appropriate, and also I wondered what CC I would be looking for roughly to achieve this? My nightmare would be to go too small and then wish I had gone bigger.

    Does anybody else have similar stats to me who could advise what they did?

    I would love to have a full, round and voluminous look, not necessarily completely natural.

    Thanks all in advance!

    Jamie 55

    I’m 5,7 a size 12 but weigh about 11 stone, I had 380cc overs from an A cup and they are perfect for my frame, I measure a 32e now, but your surgeon will let you know what size and profile implant will be better especially as you say you’ve lost some weight they will know what is best for you xx


    Hey I’m 5ft 9 and I weigh 9stone. I’m tall and slim but have very wide shoulders before I was a 34a I got 350cc unders and now measure as a 34d… so I’m guessing you will need to go slightly bigger than I did.

    Becca 168

    Thank you, this is really helpful! I was thinking that somewhere in the region of around 400CC might be what I would be looking for. The whole unders and overs thing confuses me greatly, I have no idea at all what will be right for me so I guess that’s going to take some figuring out!!!

    C 1

    I’m 5ft7 and weigh 10 stone I have just had 425cc unders and I think they suit me
    Perfectly x

    C 1

    Forgot to add I was a 32b and now I’m about 32F

    Carly 1

    I’m 5’10 weigh 10’12 and wear size 10 clothes. I was offered between 300/400cc. I’m going for 350 and I’m hoping to achieve a d. I’m currently a 34a. Surgery is Monday ????

    Bella 2

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you don’t mind me contacting you all. I hope your post op recovery is going well? My stats are very similar to yours and I’ve found it difficult to find anyone similar to me!

    I’m 5ft 10, weight 10 stone 1 ish and I’m currently measuring a 34A/36AA. My surgery is next wed with Dr Traynor and I’m having 400cc unders. I’m just wondering if you’re pleased with your results/size so far as I’ve found a lot of taller ppl have gone bigger but 400cc was the maximum offered to me.

    Any advice would be much appreiated!
    Thanks x

    Jo 13

    Hi @Becca. In regards to choosing overs or unders, you don’t really need to think about it! I read up on them both before I met my surgeon, and I thought unders would be best for me. However, my surgeon said overs would definitely be the best choice. I think that’s something you don’t really get a huge say in! The surgeon will give you a thorough examination and then work out exactly what is best for you.

    Jen 107

    Hi Becca I am 5’9” and 10 stone something (haven’t weighed in a long time!) size 10 top size 12 bottoms. I was a 34B before my op a year ago and I’m now a 34E. I had 350cc unders xx

    Anna 3

    Pretty much same stats. 5’9; 8.7 stone. Mr Traynor said the max he will do is 400 cc; I’m currently A hoping to achieve DD/E. He kinda left me decide which look I prefer over or under; I decided to go for over; the recovery is quicker and I don’t mind the round look

    I’d reccomend you going for the biggest cc you get suggested. 🙂

    Becca 168

    Thanks so much girls, this is all amazing! I am currently thinking it will have to be unders for me as I have very little natural breast tissue left towards the top. Having read all of your replies, it sounds to me as though 400cc is roughly about what I’m looking for. So helpful, thank you for answering!

    Ruth 116

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    Hiya girls, I’m 5ft 6, 10st 10lb (size 10/12) and a 34b but empty. Do any of you have any photo’s you wouldn’t mind sharing? x

    Bethany 17

    Hey becca. I was a 34b, 5”7 and 11 stone.
    I had 400cc partials and I’m measuring a 34D atm just under 3 weeks post op. You’re taller than me so I’d say go 400 at the very minimum! Especially if you think you have a broad frame. Mine look great now I love them but my body shape (also fairly broad) could definately handle them being a fair bit bigger still! They were perfect at first but as the swelling goes down they’ve shrunk a lot!

    If you’re looking for a DD/E I’d say you should look more around 450 atleast. I wish I had done!

    Becca 168

    Yours are exactly what I want Bethany! My surgeon has agreed to 430cc maximum for my frame, and my op is tomorrow! I’ve lost a lot more weight since I first started this thread, so hopefully 430cc will look good on my new skinny figure!

    Bethany 17

    How exciting! Well done on the weight loss that so good!!
    Best of luck, enjoy it!! 🙂

    Kelly 14

    Hi @Bella,
    I had 400cc mod plus unders, I’m 5’7, 9 stone (size 6-8). Was 34 A, now 34 DD. They are perfect fir my frame (however, do have boob greed now! – 14 months post op now).
    I would say 400cc – 415 / 450 cc, because of your height is taller than mine, and trust me, always go the bigger size from your options!… I’m looking to goo 500cc for my next BA. X

    Becca 168

    Looking back to my very first post on this forum and now I have boobs! Can’t wait for them to heal, drop and fluff – I haven’t really had a good look at them just yet as no point during this first week as they’ll be compressed by the muscle and really tight, once they relax a bit more I should have a better idea of the long term result. I will have a good look at my post op on Monday!


    Hi Becca,

    Your stats are exactly the same as mine, what cc did you for in the end? I have been told to go for 420cc overs but I seem to be changing my mind constantly the more research I do. Any advice would be appreciated🙂 thanks x

    Dolly123 2

    Hey Leanne. I have very similar stats and I told my surgeon the same thing but in the end he went with 600 and I’m so pleased he did because I would have been so disappointed with 400 as I’m even thinking now I would have gone bigger lol but I’m hoping when they drop I’ll get more volume as I’m only 15dpo. It depends how wide your chest is and how far apart your nipples sit to get the volume. I would speak to your surgeon about your expectations and don’t go any smaller than 450 based on your stats

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