Uplift with Implants – Breastfeeding Started by: VictoriaSS

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    Hi All,

    I’m contemplating getting an uplift with implants, I have my 2nd consultation end of the month. I’m worried about my chances of being able to breastfeed if and when I have kids. Is it really detrimental to not breastfeed?
    All thoughts and opinions welcome ❤️ thanks xxx

    Meek xo 10

    Hi! I’ve just been for a consultation with a surgeon. I’m also having an uplift and implants. I’m not sure if it depends on the surgeon/your body, but I asked about breastfeeding and he told me there’s a high chance I will still be able to because the nipple ducts are still in place. I’d have a chat with your surgeon, but I took away that I potentially would be able to 🙂 I wouldn’t worry if you can’t though either! Good luck xxx


    Hi Meeka,

    Thank you for replying! I’m seeing my surgeon on Tuesday so will see what he says and hopefully it’ll be along the same lines as what your surgeon said to you. Good luck with your op x

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