Reduction Surgery Questions? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    Hi Ladies,

    Im currently a 32K and looking to get a reduction and an uplift at the same time! I have been thinking about it for a while but my main worry is the scarring and breastfeeding later in life – Im 24 but I can’t cope anymore my posture is bad and I feel uncomfortable in a lot of clothing.

    Are your scars really visable? Do they make you feel uncomfortable?

    Any advice or information appreciated.


    Hi Laura,

    I’m 23 and just had my reduction. I was a H. I’ll be completely honest with you, I’m still in the healing process but it’s ansolutely the best decision I’ve ever made!!

    My surgeon was Dr Tsekouras and he’s amazing at ensuring your scaring is neat and will therefore heal nicer and fade without any major scarring. I would 1000% recommend him!! My posture was awful aswell, and I worried about how they would continue getting worse as I got older, pregnant etc. In terms of breast feeding it really depends on the individual. Some people can’t breast feed that haven’t had surgery, so I would let that put you off at all! 🙂

    I hope this helped,

    Lauren x

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