450hp unders Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’ve been reading posts for a while and found them really helpful so thought I’d post my post op pictures.

    I’m 5ft 5 and around 8 stone 10. I was a very flat 30a before surgery. I had 450 hp unders on the 28th, hoping to be a DD. At the moment they look really high and stuck on. I’ve also been in a lot of pain since I came round from surgery which I wasn’t expecting.

    How long should it be before they start to drop?

    Becca 168

    They look really good already! I’m two weeks post op tomorrow and I’m still waiting for mine to drop. I think somewhere between four and six weeks post op there should be quite a big difference, but from what I’ve read it really happens at different times for everyone based on a number of factors. I’m told that patience is the key, but when you’re desperately waiting to see the results of one of the biggest things you’ve ever done, it’s pretty hard to be patient! All in time, I guess. It will be so worth the wait!


    Thanks @Becca. It really is such a long process! I’m excited to see how they change. I’m hoping they’re not going to get much bigger as I was hoping for a D but the sports bra I’m wearing is an E and it fits perfectly. Have yours stayed the same size so far?

    Rebekah 174

    I think you’ll be bigger than a dd , Iv just had 450cc unders from a A cup and Iv just got a bra out of Anne summer it’s a 30g I got messured a 30F in Boux Avenue too xxx


    @Rebekah really?! I’ve only got a small frame, size 6-8 in clothes. Do yours look huge? They look nice in your profile picture. I want them to be a decent size but not massively noticeable at work etc

    Rebekah 174

    Yeah I’m a size 6 too I’m 7stone7 no I love mine they don’t look too big at all I’ll add my recent pic xxx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Rebekah 174.
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    They look amazing! I’d be happy if mine turned out like yours. Mine are like rocks at the moment.

    Becca 168

    Mine feel really small at the moment. I really wanted to end up an E but I feel as though I will be lucky to even achieve a D right now. I’m just so impatient! Right now they just look and feel too small for me, but my surgeon wasn’t even sure if I would get away with this size so there was no way I could have gone bigger really. Hard not to feel a bit disappointed! I hope they will change over the coming weeks.

    Jenna x 53

    Mine started dropping at around just under 5 weeks then they seemed to get bigger so that was fun! I had 350 and went from a b to an F so was bigger than expected but love them as they don’t look huge especially as I’m only 5ft2 lol xx


    @becca it sounds like they could still get bigger. I know what you mean though, I’m impatient to see the final result.

    x wow, that sounds big but reassuring that they don’t look huge, thanks xx

    Becca 168

    Yes for sure it is really early days yet! In a way you kind of have to switch off and try to forget all about them while they just do their thing!

    Leila -10

    @becca, I totally understand what you are going through cause I’m going through it too, was told exactly what you were told and I feel disappointed but trying to hope for the best that when it drops and fluff, that it would get bigger. I did tell the surgeon I wanted the Max my body can take cause I don’t want to have to do it again and he said 350cc was the Max and it would be a struggle. So I’m on boobwatch too ??. Family and friends can’t tell the difference from wearing my padded bra and after op. I was flat chested and wore a padded bra that gave me a 2 cup increase all the time and now it makes no difference.

    , how small was yours before it dropped , did you go a size up or it just got fuller?

    Leila -10

    Picture of my boob’s and when I wore heavily padded bra.
    It makes no difference.

    Leila -10

    One more time

    Leila -10


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    Becca 168

    I think they will look bigger after you have the original dressings off at your first post op appointment – I think absolutely everyone’s start to look a bit bigger after that! Those big dressings kind of hide the curve.


    Just an update….I don’t think they’ve changed much yet, nothing noticeable anyway. I’m definitely feeling a lot more comfortable and am off all painkillers now. I have my post op appointment on Thursday, I’m excited to see my scars and see what they look like without the dressings.

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