Realistically how long until you’re up and about Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 57

    Hi everyone! I’m having my op on the 27th of January (300cc HP dual plane) and I’ve been asked to go out for a meal on the 29th, so only 2 days after surgery. Is that completely unrealistic and a definite no or were some people okay a couple of days afterwards? It won’t be anything more than going to a restaurant. Just want to know if I should tell them a definite no in advance. Bit worried about just staying indoors and resting, I go stir crazy after a day of doing nothing!?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Megan 57.

    My pain threshold is high but I was out of action for a week,I was so bloated,uncomfortable and tired.
    Think it may be a little to soon but you’ll only
    Know once done

    Michaela 58

    Everyone is different hun. I’m really bad with pain, and I was extremely bloated. I think it’s abit too soon to be going out for a meal. You should be ok between day 5-7. Xxx

    Ruth 116

    I have a really high pain threshold and managed post op with no or very little pain relief. I was up and about the same day but as the other girls have said I too was very bloated and couldn’t face food until the Friday (2 days after my op.) Good luck with your upcoming surgery xx

    Millie-Rose 33

    I was absolutely fine basically straight after my surgery, I had a really good recovery. I was driving by 1wpo! I didn’t leave the house until 3dpo, but I think I would have been fine to go for a meal 2dpo. But everybody heals differently xxx

    Megan 57

    Thanks for the replies girls! I was thinking 2 days would be a bit too soon, wishful thinking I guess! Not looking forward to this bloating you’re all talking about?x

    Becca 168

    I had no pain or sickness after my surgery at all but the muscle stiffness, tightness and achiness was uncomfortable. As a result, I wasn’t very mobile. The absolute worst part of my entire experience was the constipation afterwards – that was immensely painful. I was so bloated, swollen and hard in my belly. It was awful. I had a job interview booked for 2 days after my operation but I had to cancel it for that reason. The pain from the surgery was non existent in comparison! It’s just a bit awkward and inconvenient struggling to dress yourself and to do you own hair and things like that. I had a new set of lashes and a new set of nails booked for 4 days after my operation and I managed that absolutely fine – I was just a bit tired afterwards. I would say that typically from 4 or 5 days post op you will probably be feeling much more capable, but play it by ear. Everybody’s recovery is just so different. You may well be fine 2 days later!

    Megan 57

    Oh god Becca, that sounds awful! I’m so focused on the actual boobs I haven’t even considered the bloating or constipation, at least its all worth it in the end when we all have perfect boobies ay xx

    Becca 168

    I would say that the best thing you can do to avoid this is to start to take some kind of laxatives once you leave the hospital after your surgery (over the counter Lactulose syrup is quite gentle to start with). I waited for over 24 hours to start taking anything and by then I had already left it far too late! I was shivering and crying with pain by the second day and I was literally so desperate to go to the toilet. I had to ring 111 for advice and they asked me to present at A&E because I hadn’t even been able to pass water for 24 hours. Luckily enough a family member had some really strong prescription laxatives (Strigol) that they could give to me and eventually it sorted things out without me having to present at A&E. But I actually thought I was going to burst my incisions open trying to go! I promise you, the surgery itself and the immediate aftermath is so easy! This was genuinely the only bad part of the whole process for me. Oh, and the backache and the numb bum from sleeping upright isn’t the best. But other than that, the surgery is a breeze! Not everyone has these issues though, so it’s entirely possible that it won’t be a problem for you. Some girls don’t go for a little while after their op, but also don’t have anywhere near as much pain from it as I did!

    Cara 9

    Hey. I had partially under the muscle. I had my surgery on Monday, went back home from the hospital on the Tuesday and was able to go out to dinner on the Wednesday. The day after surgery I stayed in bed all day. However on day 2 post op I stayed in bed all day but I went out for dinner that evening and was perfectly fine. Just had to take my time getting dressed and getting ready. Took taxis as well- about a 20 minute drive in the taxi. Dinner is just sitting up at the table at the end of the day then straight back home after so you may be fine. I think you could see how it goes and if you are in pain you can always apologise and cancel . But I was fine to go out for dinner day 2 post op. I could only wear buttoned clothes though as you can’t lift up your arms high so I wore my boyfriend’s shirt. (Anyway, hope this helps x

    Cara 9

    I was taking painkillers 3-4 times a day though

    Megan 57

    I think I’ll get myself some gentle laxatives then just to be on the safe side, that’s the last thing I want. You poor thing! I’m glad the actual surgery and healing process was easy for you though, this time in 2 weeks I’ll have had it done. Can’t wait! Ah that’s great Cara, I guess it’s different for everyone so I’ll just tell them a maybe and see how I’m feeling afterwards. Thanks everyone x

    Becca 168

    So exciting! Fingers crossed for a quick and straightforward recovery!

    Jessica 26

    Totally agree with you Becca! No one warned me about the constipation or the numb bum sydrome before I had my op (last Monday). I didn’t take any laxatives until DAY 4! But by then it was too late. I had to come off the Co-Drydamol to stop my intake of codeine to try and help. I had two days off it, had the worst and most painful bowel movement of my life (same as you, I thought i’d burst my incisions) and I’ve had to go back on the Co-Drydamol.
    Make better choices than I did Megan. Laxatives aren’t nice, but you’ll definitely need them! Hope it all goes well x

    Becca 168

    Oh I can’t even begin to imagine how bad that must have been for you! I hadn’t even touched the codeine and it was awful for me. I had only taken 4 doses of ibuprofen but as soon as I realised that could make it worse I stopped and switched to paracetamol. I don’t think it helped that I had been eating really well and exercising intensively for months before my op, and then went from that to practically not moving at all and eating absolute junk! Stuff like this definitely doesn’t cross your mind pre op when you’re too busy worrying about waking up in pain or suffering from nausea! Hope the rest of your recovery is going well aside from that!

    Lauren 12

    Sorry to jump on the thread, but it makes me happy to know so many others have been dealing with the bloating! Until about two days ago, I looked six months pregnant.

    As for getting out and about. Yesterday was the first day I left the house at 5 days post op. I’ve been struggling with pain quite a bit when I do too much and felt really lousy. Yesterday was the first day I actually felt good and was happy to walk down to the pub for lunch. I hate being stuck at home and I hate having nothing to do, but I felt so tired and well, just not myself. So didn’t want to push myself to go out. I actually had a dentist appointment the day after my surgery, the dentist is literally my next door neighbor so I didn’t have to go far and thought I’d be ok attending and even one of the surgery nurses told me I might be ok, but cancelled that as I could barely get off the sofa afterwards.

    But you won’t truly know how you’ll be until you reach that point so just wait and see 🙂

    Monica 122


    I’m 2dpo, taking codeine all the time and haven’t been in toilet since the op. Feeling bloated and sore but I can’t let myself not to take those pills… I hardly eat as I’m not hungry, seems like food stays in my throat if I swallow so having bananas only when I have to take the pills…
    I’m normally very active but now thinking only about resting and sofa.
    Going by taxi yesterday from the hotel to train station was a nightmare and today it wouldn’t be even better for me but everyone’s pain and recovery is different.

    I just wish I could go out for dinner 2dpo ? Good luck and fingers crossed girls xx


    Hi girls, I had my op on 23/12 And was fully mobile from the next day! Enjoyed Christmas, opening presents, drinking etc. For me it wasn’t bad at all. I was told the pain killers could make me constipated so I bought some over the counter laxatives but didn’t have to use them because I made sure I only took the pain killers when I needed to and not every 4 hours like I could have. I felt tight and a bit sore mainly getting up from bed but not e en worth mentioning. I know everyone is different with their pain threshold and their experience but thought I’d balance it out a bit and share my experience!

    Having my op over Christmas didn’t limit me at all – I had a big Christmas day, boxing day, my birthday and New Year with no issues at all. By week 1 I started to get a bit of shooting pain but knew was normal as my surgeon and nurse both said to expect it due to the nerve endings.

    If you haven’t already is definitely buy a pregnancy V pillow, they’re so good and comfy.

    I had 350cc hp unders with Mr Mashhadi in London Fitzroy if anyone is wondering.

    Hope the pain eases off for everyone else and all the best in your op Megan- so exciting! X

    Monica 122

    Wow Sophie! It’s so nice to hear about such speedy recovery. Well done you ☺️ xx


    Hi all can you keep me up dated on your recoveries? I’ve got my initial consultation next Thursday. How long have you all booked off work for your treatment and recovery? X

    Becca 168

    I returned to work after two weeks. I was only really worried about getting knocked into on a busy train when commuting as I have an office job and sit down for most of the time. I probably could have gone back sooner, but I wanted to make sure I felt completely comfortable.

    Megan 57

    Wow Sophie I can’t believe how quick your recovery was, you were very lucky by the sound of it! Happy it all went so well for you. I’ve got a v pillow and a bed wedge so far xx

    Jessica 26

    I’m now 11 days post op and I probably could go back to work – if I could drive. But I have an office job and a very supportive team. I still get pains every now and again and when I don’t take my ibuprofen I can definitely tell I’m due for some as my incision sites get really sore and hurt more when I move. I’m almost off the codeine (I only take two before I go to bed so I can sleep through the night). I do have a really low pain threshold though! I’m a bit of a wimp haha.

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