1 day post op and in agony Started by: Nicola

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  • Nicola 44

    I’m only one day post op and I’m in actual agony. My boobs and back are killing me.
    I’m taking all my meds and using ice packs but still nothing is getting better.

    I had 325 and 350cc unders. Help 🙁

    Elle 81

    Aww Nicola I had 400cc unders on Tuesday and I’m still in a bit of pain it does get better the day after the operation is probably the worst! I have coped mostly just taking paracetamol and ibruprofen as the codiene can really bloat you! Just make sure you rest lots and try to not stay in bed all the time as you then stiffen and it then hurts more to move – hope you feel better soon ?xxx

    Nicola 44

    Thankyou Elle. I legit can’t even move on my own haha feel like an 90 year old women 🙁
    I just feel like something is wrong, why is it feeling this painful. I’ve been taking 2 pain killers every 6 hours and muscle relaxer and still in loads of pain.
    I hope it settles soon 🙁

    Megan 57

    Hiya Nicola. You’re only 1 day post op so I wouldn’t worry about the pain, your body has been through a lot of trauma and needs time to recover. I was in absolute agony after I had my procedure done (300cc unders). I couldn’t even walk downstairs or go to the toilet without crying and needing help from my mum, I phoned MYA and they said it was all normal and to just rest as much as possible and keep on top of the pain killers. I’m now 6days post op and I can get myself dressed and I’m feeling so much better, it just takes time and patience. Feel free to message me if you just want to have a bit of a moan, I completely feel your pain! Hope you start to feel better soon xx

    Nicola 44

    Thankyou Megan for the reply. I’m just trying to stay positive and keep thinking my boobs will be amazing after. But my god I didn’t realise it would hurt this much ouch lol

    Char 5

    Hi ladies
    Sorry to hear about your pain I’m on day 9 I still am taking all the meds to try and manage the pain… I would say it gets better the pain now comes in waves but when it’s bad it’s awful.. my surgeon said it takes a while for the muscle to adjust and repair themselves.
    Hope things start to ease up just think of your end result because eventually that will come xx

    Jessica 4

    Hi Nicola,

    I was the same on my first day, if not my first two days. Constantly crying and getting annoyed that I can’t move on my own and stuff.

    I’m on day three now and defijitrly feeling a bit more myself. All i can say is keep on top of meds and rest. I try to get up and walk about every hour or so just to keep my blood flowing and stop it seizing up and hurting so much when I need to get up to go the toilet etc. It’s definitely a harder journey than I thought it would be but it seems to get easier with each day!

    Happy recovery xx

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