Macom Bra too tight? Started by: Faye

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  • Faye

    Hi girlies, I got 350cc unders 3 days ago. I was a 30c/32b to start. I got a xs Macom Bra and a small. The Xs feels like it’s too tight on my ribs where my incisions are and folds up when I sit down, however the small feels like there’s a little too much room near my ribs. Not sure which one to wear as I want to be supported correctly, however I am still very bloated. Any advice girlies? Would be greatly appreciate!!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Faye.
    Elle 81

    Hi Faye,

    I had mine done on Tuesday so now 5 days post op – I was a 34a before so I got a medium sized Macon bra mine is also very tight so I wouldn’t worry!! I’m just trying not to think about it and my body just seems to ignore it after a while ? I am also very bloated so it doesnt help! I would probably stick with the one that supports you the most Xxx

    Jessica 4


    I’m on my 3rd day now and I was thinking the same… It’s sort of digging in at my ribs by the plasters. I think a lot of it is because I am all bloated and swollen though! From what I’ve read it’s better for it to be tighter and more supportive. Happy healing 🙂


    Thank you both so much! Put my mind at ease a lot now thanks girls ❤️

    Daniella 21

    Hi girls. The Asda post op front fastening bra (pack of 2) is so so comfortable. Definitely the best for the first week after surgery. Had no issues with mine at all xxxx

    Tor Shields 78

    I had trouble with the normal macom bra as it was resting right where my stitches were and digging in. I ordered the longline style which came yesterday and it’s been such a blessing. It sits lower on my stomach and doesn’t feel like it’s touching my stitches so I feel much more supported!

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