250/275cc over 32Ds Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 6

    Hello, I’m just looking for some advice from anyone who’s had breast augmentation from an already sizeable bust. I’ve been unhappy with the shape of my breasts for a long time, due to contraception I went up and down in weight significantly which causes some excess skin on my bust and makes them a little droopy. I was going in with the hopes that an implant might stretch the skin and rule out the need for an uplift- I’m not majorly unhappy with the drop more so than the gap between my breasts. Anyway, I had my consultation with Dr Mileto on Saturday and he acknowledged that this was caused by weightloss and via the same logic felt I would not need an uplift but just not to go too big with the implants and for my 4″11 size 8 frame he suggested high profile 250/275cc implants to make my 32D bust a 32E. My primary goal is to achieve some volume and a nice cleavage in bikinis and backless dresses without a bra on . I’m just a little worried that because I already have a sizeable bust that I might sag more with the implants? So I wondered if any already busty girls who have gone for implants and not an uplift have any advice for me? I’m very nervous. I’ve never had surgery and I just dread waking up with regret but I need to go through with this so that I can look at myself in the mirror and not feel disgusted with my breasts at only 25 years old. I’ve attached some images below of what my breasts look like now including one with a bra on (which is basically how I want my breasts to look with much less support than my push up!!)

    Daniella 21

    Hey honey, your piccies haven’t attached! I had the same issue and have gone for 345cc, subfascial placement. So far I’m happy! But I’m only 5days PO. Just go with a surgeon who has tons of experience and trust in their decisions. I went with some photos of what I was trying to achieve x

    Chloe 6

    Sorry the pics didn’t upload for some reason!
    My surgery is booked with Dr Mileto on 15th March but I’ve heard good things about his work so I’m putting my trust in him 🙂


    ^ Link to pictures as they wont upload here for some reason

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Chloe 6. Reason: Photos wont upload
    HB 2

    Daniella do you have before and after photos? I seem to be having the exact same implant as you. I’m 5ft6 and 8.5 stone xx

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