General advice.. stats and babies after surgery Started by: Billie Manners

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    I have been wanting a boob job for years and have finally saved enough to be comfortable spending that amount outright… I am currently 5ft 5, weighing 9 stone 7(ideally would like to lose more as I’ve lost 4 stone) and a size 8 on top and 10 bottom. I wonder if anybody is around the same as me and could show me there transformation and the details of what implants and surgeon. I also want to ask if anybody has had this surgery and then gone on to have more children as I’m not sure I’m finished having babies but feel like I cannot wait to have the surgery until after i maybe one day have another baby. Thanks in advance!! Xxx


    Hiya, just wondering if you made a decision about having BA or waiting til after you’ve finished having kids? I’m thinking the same… Would love to have my boobs done, have been thinking about it for a while and finally in the position to do now, but I am 32 and not sure if I should wait til I have the kids out of the way! I don’t want to go through it all if I ruin it when my body changes… Not sure if I should just be patient and wait some more x

    Heidi 217

    I felt the exact same, got my boobs done at only 19 (now 21) and 100% want multiple kids in the next 5-10 years, i follow some youtubers who’ve had children after a ba and have no issues, they wore a post op bra again throughout the whole 9 months and most don’t breast feed. i decided I probably wouldn’t want to spend that amount of money outright when i have a little one to think about, so did i for myself while I don’t feel any guilt about it xx

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