How long to wait? Started by: Layla

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  • Layla 7

    Hey ladies I have my consultation on the 27th of Feb… How long do you usually have to wait until surgery ? Really hoping to get in the Easter holidays but thinking that might be too soon. (From the 12th April till around the 27th)
    Thanks x

    Gemma 31

    I had my initial consultation 21st jan and surgery is next week 23rd feb. There’s definitely the option for it to move fast as you want as long as you can get in surgeons appointments and an op date that works 🙂 Mya have been really good at getting things booked in for me xx

    Layla 7

    Wow that’s quick! Amazing, good luck for next week! ?xx

    Abbie 45

    My first consultation was the 6th of feb & picked my surgery for the 25th of April. I could of got it as quick as the 25th of February!!! But had to sort holidays with work! Xx

    Layla 7

    That’s crazy how quick they can do it ? I’m quite lucky cos I work weekends and works really good with getting time off so fingers crossed I’ll be able to get a date I want! Xx

    Jodie 70

    You can ask what’s available at your first consultation and reserve your date with deposit which is what I did as I wanted the Easter holidays too so reserved the 8th April. Could of had it much sooner if I’d wanted xx

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