Drop and fluff?? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi I’m 4 months post op.. my right boob has softened but still not as much as my left boob. I am right handed so I guess the muscle is stronger on this side. At 4 months post op can my boob still drop and fluff or is it where’s it’s going to be now? my nipples are very wonky on photos and I’m just not hapkh with them 🙁

    Tor Shields 78

    I think most people say it takes at least 6 months to see the true form your breasts will take so you might still have some dropping to do. I’m having the same issue but I’m only 3 weeks po so I know I have a lot of changing to get through x


    Do you have any pictures? I’m unsure on weather to go for 275cc or 300!

    Alex 45

    It took my friend 12 months to fully drop and fluff and they look amazing everyone is different. Xxx

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