Overs Started by: Donna Bowen

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  • Donna Bowen 11

    So had a consultation today was hoping to go for unders but been told i would be better with overs because of my skin ect…
    I see a lot of people have unders anyone have any before and afters for overs?

    Kristy 44

    Go onto google and search for “mentor implants before and after gallery” one of the results will be the mentor website where you can search your pre-op cup size and see the before and after results. When you click on any result that takes your eye, it will tell you placement and what impant was used x

    Amy halliwell 28

    I have had overs. I had 425cc overs hp and I’m 4dpo

    Victoria XxXx 10

    I had 400cc overs 6 days ago. I’m getting my band off and steri strips tomorrow so will try and take a pic. I’m intending on taking weekly pics so I’ll upload them for you when I do hun

    Koral 42

    I have had both and was recommended over first I was a size b so enough tissue .. I had ripples and the implant moving into my armpit … second op was told u needed unders I think I had lost some tissue from pregnancy with thin skin but the difference so far I would choose unders they look so much better my mum has had both and she says her boobs have never looked so good … obviously you loose 50cc so add that back on so if they say 350 max ask for 400… you can have whatever you want … the pain was the same overs of unders so don’t let things like that sway you either x

    Donna Bowen 11

    I was warned I may be able to feel implant if I rub across my chest I’ve lost a lot of weight (9stone) so my skin sags slightly but being a 32a it’s not very noticeable sagging… I was told I would benefit from the overs more with my skin and fat bits ect . Victoriaxxx what was your stats? Xx

    Jaimee 4

    I’ve had overs and I’m 2 weeks post op now mine are 350cc xx

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    Donna Bowen 11

    jaimee what were your stats before and any idea what you roughly are now ?

    Victoria XxXx 10

    My starting stats I was a 36 A/B. I’m 9st4lbs, size 10 and athletic build. I haven’t a clue what size I’m going to end up. It varies person to person. Some people with the same starting bust as me or similar have gone to a C while others are D, DD, E and even F! ?. I don’t think mine look that big, I actually thought they’d be bigger but I’m waiting for the holy grail that is Drop and Fluff ?? At the moment my right breast has softened a bit and gone down while my left is still higher and swollen. Wonky is not a good look let me tell ya! ?. They should even out ok, it’s really early days still and I know they change so much week to week x

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