2 years post op, want to go bigger Started by: Georgie

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  • Georgie 21

    I’m almost 2 years post op, I went from a really small a cup and had 300cc which got me a C cup, I’ve not been completely happy with them since I had the op. I am now wanting to go bigger to achieve like a DD cup as I feel quite disappointed that I payed that money and still feel they are small (nothing compared to what I was, I love them in that aspect)!! Does anyone know if I’ll have to pay the full price again or would it be any cheaper? Not sure how it works, has anyone had similar with it being 2 years post op? X

    emily 11

    I’m guessing you’ll have to pay full price again as there’s not anything wrong with them as your just unhappy because their not big enough. Maybe book a consultation and speak to someone x

    Jaclyn 41

    Yes definitely have to pay full x

    TBaker 21

    @georgie don’t you have 3 years guarantee that if ur not happy you can go back? Xx

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