Hi, I had mine last week. I went to the London clinic on my own at 9am and my friend went sight seeing with her son. I waited around 2 1/2 hours watching tv in my room and changed into gown etc and socks and disposable pants and hat! Very sexy!
I wasn’t nervous at all which is weird for me as I usually have meltdowns at everything. Surgeon came to see me and nurse and anaesthetist and then eventually a man came and walked me to theatre. Went straight in and in bed it was all very fast, cannula put in, blanket on me and the nice lady said take a couple of deep breaths. I looked at the clock and it was 11.37am, I remember breathing in and then bam next minute I’m awake and in recovery, I looked at the clock and it was 12.55.
Stayed there for a little bit and then got taken back to my room where I slept. Then I had toast and coffee (of which I fell asleep during)! It hurt like hell and I could barely breathe as chest felt so tight, it was a really awkward feeling like someone was sat on me. I slept on and off a lot and nurses come to check on you all the time. You’ve got a buzzer etc to call them too. I had food around 7 ish I think , they brought me the menu.
I just chilled all night watching tv and then got sorted in the morn, had final discharge chat with surgeon, nurse took cannula out and I got given my tablets and that was it really, my mate came to get me and we went home!
I think that’s about it, anything else just ask but honestly you’ll be absolutely fine xx