Stopping the pill Started by: Niki Mann

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  • Niki Mann 1

    Hi did everyone stop taking the pill before their op? Why do they recommend you stop it?

    Georgia 29

    Yeah they told me to, and I could only start it 2 week after my op as well. It’s what they tell you to do so that’s why I would recommend it. You don’t see any difference in how it affects you and the op it’s just a precaution for blood clots and things I think x

    Hayley 48

    It’s because the pill alone can cause blood clots, surgery can also cause blood clots so they try to minimise the risk by asking you to stop the pill, that’s what the nurse told me. I stopped mine about three to four weeks before surgery and was allowed to start taking it two weeks after surgery. Hope that helps xx

    Melanie 2

    I stopped my pill and had the rod fitted instead. Can honestly say it’s the best thing I ever did as not had a period since!! X

    Emma 4

    My nurse told me to carry on taking my pill! she said theres no need to disrupt things and the chances of blood clots are extremely unlikely!

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