Researching Rhinoplasty (and possible BA) Started by: Lilly

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  • Lilly

    Hi all!

    For as long as I can remember I’ve always hated my nose (very bulbous tip, just generally feels too big for my face). I’ve been wanting to get rhinoplasty for years, but I’ve always felt really self conscious about approaching the subject with my family (particularly my mum). I’ve also become more and more self conscious about my breasts, and am also seriously considering breast augmentation (nose still takes priority though, at least I can cover my boobs!) I’ve followed some patient journeys on Insta and am really impressed by the results of one surgeon in particular.
    I had booked a consultation with a patient coordinator, but unfortunately had to cancel due to other commitments, so hoping to reschedule soon.
    I was hoping to get some advice/opinions from people who have been through something similar, mainly:

    – How did you approach the subject with your family?
    – Has anyone had rhinoplasty and BA at the same time? If so, how did you find the journey/recovery?
    – How much did it cost roughly (not specifics, just a ballpark figure, I realise each case is different, just want to see if it’s vaguely affordable!)
    – Has anyone had Dr Giannitrapani as their surgeon? If so, what do you think of him?



    Oh my god. I’m thinking of the same. I want another BA, Areola reduction and a nose job all in one ???


    Hi, I’ve just had a BA (yesterday!) and am waiting to save up for rhinoplasty with fat transfer. I wasn’t able to have the rhinoplasty at the same time.. The BA cost just over ££££. The rhinoplasty and fat transfer can be does at same time and will be more like ££££ I think.

    I told my family how I felt and had felt for 20 years (they know I’ve always wanted the surgery). They understand and I self funded it. My sister was especially understanding, seeing it as similar to body modification (Tattoos etc). It went better than I thought and now it’s all done, I just need to pay this off and save up for the next chunk!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines

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