What a difference a week makes Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Thought I’d share these two pics taken 8 days apart. First pic is 2 weeks PO and the second is 24 days PO. I was a 34a and had 480 HP anatomical overs. The first week they looked so small and flat I thought it was a disaster! My skin is still super tight and they’re still sitting high with a lot of fullness in the upper pole and they’re still really firm. My PS tells me they will look a lot bigger with more profile as the lower pole fills out. Anyone out there worrying about how they look and the size in the first week or two, don’t worry, it just takes a bit of time for them to come good x

    Lara 30

    Wow they look amazing! You must be really happy with the results! When I was PO and woke up, I thought oh no they’re tiny, and was already thinking for revision (I got 375cc UHP partial unders, was a flat 32AA before)! but now 10 days post op they’re looking better but still not dropped and fluffed yet, so still high and firm, not able to squeeze them for a cleavage or anything yet. Your pics have reassured me x


    Thanks LC, I am really happy with them now but the first week or so was a rollercoaster! That post op smallness is a bit of a shock isn’t it?! I just wasn’t expecting them to look like that at first. I’m glad you’re feeling reassured, I’m sure you’ll love them once they’ve dropped and fluffed! x

    MrsG 3

    Oh I’m having the same, anatomical overs 480 on the 20th! I’m so happy I’ve found this post!!!!
    Im a deflated D cup at the moment so really looking forward to what I get now!
    Thanks for posting!!


    Exciting MRSG! I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do. Good luck! x

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