Time off work – school office Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 2

    I’m looking into getting a breast augmentation, I currently work in the office at a school. At first I thought it would be best to have my surgery in the 6 week summer holidays so that I would fully heal, however now that im getting even more excited about it (I’ve been to some consultations) I really want the procedure done sooner, possibly at Christmas (2 weeks off). Would 2 weeks off be long enough? I’m at my desk most of the time however sometimes might have to raise my arms to lift heavy folders from shelves etc. also, there’s always children running in the corridors and I wouldn’t want them to run into my chest. I’m really good friends with one of the other ladies that works in the office, and she also happens to be the person who deals with staff absences. I don’t mind her knowing about me getting a breast augmentation however I really don’t want my boss to know, or basically anyone else infact! I’m really quite young (19) and I’ve already heard discussions in the staff room from the older ladies about how ‘disgraceful’ breast implants are. I don’t want to be judged.
    Sorry for rambling, I just know there’ll be someone who is/has been in the same position as me. If I needed more than 2 weeks off work and had to get a sick note, would the sick note state that I have had a breast augmentation? I just really don’t want my boss to know, but I am aware that he gets to see all of the staff sick notes to ‘authorise’ them if that makes any sense!
    Also, how long were you in pain for/how long until you could do normal activities?Xxx

    Lara 30

    2 weeks is long enough if your job is desk work, but you wouldn’t be able to lift heavy things for 6 weeks. Im 2 weeks post op and can’t raise my arms above my head without getting a twinge, and can’t put things on shelves higher than eye level, like I’m keeping dishes and cups in the bottom cupboards as I can’t get them to the top ones above the cooker. You’re breasts will be swollen and firm in the first 2-3 weeks but settle after that, but it’s best not to have any kids running into them as that would be very painful. I work in healthcare and used my annual leave of 2 weeks plus 1 week sick note, so 3 weeks total. My sick note just said post-op recovery, it doesn’t state the procedure you had, just that you had surgery and the date, so no one would find out unless you go for a dramatic increase in size for them to notice. Recovery is longer for unders than overs. Mine were unders hence the muscle twinges in my pec muscles if I lift things

    Christina 4

    You should be fine after 2 weeks off but definitely no heavy lifting. Nobody needs to know what you’ve had done if you don’t want them to. You could simply say you’ve had to have something sorted on your chest and that you’re not allowed to lift. Only say something if you’re comfortable doing so!

    Practically speaking, you probably won’t be in any pain after 2 weeks but you will still be wearing your recovery bra so prepare for that as it makes outfit choices a little more difficult xx

    Samantha 42

    Hey hun
    You will be fine after 2 weeks, I too work in a school office, I had mine arranged for the 2 weeks Easter holidays, I just booked the last day off b4 the holidays had started then I had the full 14 days to recover, honestly you will be fine, nobody at my school knows and nobody has noticed either. You will still be wearing your post op bra which is very comfortable and very supportive whilst your at work.
    I was a 34a now a 34D and nobody has noticed mine. Hope this helps xx

    Ellen 13

    2 weeks should be fine, i had unders (so longet recovery time) and went back to work after 6 days. I manage a pub/restaurant so my role is quite physical! Within about 3 weeks i was back to doing everything including lifting tables/cases.

    Also seriously dont worry about what everyone else thinks. Pretty much everyone yhat knowd about mine have just said they which they could get theirs done. Nobody has actually been critical of it!

    Samantha 42

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I had unders too ?.

    Faye 1

    I’m a Primary School teacher and have booked my op for the first Sunday of October half term giving me 7 days to recover- I’m super anxious about whether this is long enough too! Got my meeting with the surgeon on the 19th aug and suspect I’ll need unders. Do you ladies think 7 days could be enough?!??

    Bryony 13

    I have 3 children and had about 3 hours ‘off’ (time it took to drive home ?) you would definitely be okay over Christmas but possibly okay over October half term too. Just be prepared that you’re swollen for a good 2/3/4 weeks and wearing your post surgery bra limits clothing options especially if you don’t want people to notice. It’s horrible that you feel you need to hide something that would make you happy but a lot of girls on here have said it makes a huge difference saying they have had ‘breast augmentation’ rather than a ‘boob job’. Good luck! X

    Hannah 2

    Thank you so much everyone!
    I went to another consultation today where i met with my PC and we looked at surgery dates for the surgeon i would like to have if i was to have it in October. Basically, i could either have it on the Monday before we break up for half term (meaning I’d miss the last week of school and have to make up some sort of excuse), giving me two weeks to recover. or i could have it in the actual half term, meaning I’d have no time off work but no one would have to question why i was off. I would only have a week off to recover. I would feel really bad though, having the operation in term time as i already get so many holidays throughout the year and this is only a cosmetic procedure, not something that is really ‘urgent’ however i literally cannot wait! I really dont think anyone will notice at all that i will have had the surgery, as i wear very padded bras/VS bombshell literally everyday anyway.

    At the consultation today, when i asked about a sick note, my PC said that the company will not supply a sick note, which is understandable. However she also stated that it is unlikely that i would be given one from my GP as it is a cosmetic procedure, and i am choosing to have it.
    Although i have not met with the surgeon yet, i feel like I probably do have enough breast tissue to go over the muscle – well im hoping so! This would make my recovery ‘shorter’ in a sense, so would i be okay to go back after around a week?? I don’t know, I’ve got some thinking to do. It’s all so hard to think about when you’ve not had the procedure yet and don’t know how you will feel afterwards, especially as everyone is different.

    For those who did manage to get a sick note, where did you get it from – your GP? What did you ask for? How long was the sick note for. I’d probably only need it for an extra week.
    If i was to have the surgery in the last week of term, where would i get proof to give to my work that i am having an operation (but not specifying) which would allow me to have the time off? A letter from my doctor stating that i will be undergoing surgery? Or are they just meant to take my word for it?
    I just want it to sound as least suspicious as possible ?, in the fact that i will be able to have the maximum amount of time off work but without anyone questioning if it is cosmetic.

    And i know Bryony… it makes it so much more difficult having to keep it a secret ??.

    Thank you again ladies and I’m sorry this post is so long ? xxx

    Bryony 13

    I would advise you to have your op during half term rather than the week before, if you are unhappy and feeling guilty about having time off work it will be at the back of your mind and won’t feel nice for you. You’d get half term to recover then and if you didn’t feel well enough after one week you could address that when you got to it but hopefully you’d be fine to go and do light duties. I know exactly how you feel about waiting though, I booked my op for 3 weeks after my surgeon consultation and it felt sooooooo long!!! X

    Lara 30

    Hannah I didn’t get my BA at Mya but my hospital where I got it gave the sick note. One of the nurses just came and asked my how long I wanted it for. I asked for one week as I’d already had 2 weeks off annual leave, and she said she could give me longer if I wanted but I think 3 weeks is more than enough. They had put just “post op recovery” and that’s it. Nothing about it being cosmetic or anything. My dad is a surgeon as well and he said they never put the exact operation on sick notes or doctor letters due to breach of patient confidentiality, so I don’t think you need to worry about them finding out about your BA that way.

    However before my BA, I went to my GP about something else and just asked them if about sick notes in case I needed more, and the GP said they would be happy to provide an extra sick note for my BA as the hospital I had my BA was sending all the clinic letters to my GP, so it was on their system. So yes. your GP can give you a sick note as long as they recieve your clinic and discharge letters of the BA.

    If anyone asks what surgery you had, just say you can’t tell them as it’s a personal health issue. No one needs to know. No heavy lifting for 6 weeks is the protocol for all surgeries anyway, not just BA so they won’t get any hints from that.


    I am petrified of the kids haha I am a cover supervisor/TA and especially some of our autistic children are used to jumping all over me lol My OP is in 11 days so will be a clear 2 weeks before work plus a training day so fingers crossed it’ll be fine. I know everyone is different but I could let you know how I get on just as another point of reference:)

    BA_283 20

    Thank god someone else works in a school environment! I teach and it’s been a real pain to book appointments and surgery around work. Plus I don’t want anyone knowing as “it’s not very teacher like of me” I like to say!! I’m also slightly concerned about the time off but 2 weeks should be a good time as long as you go easy!! MYA told me today that they could supply a sick note so that’s strange they didn’t do the same. Although it wasn’t for a long time just a few days if I needed it. Your boss doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of your medical history… they’re more concerned with finding someone to cover so I wouldn’t worry! Don’t feel like you need to explain yourself to anyone. Boob jobs are not disgraceful… having that attitude (the other women) without taking into consideration how its changed peoples lives is disgraceful… just do this for you, time it right and be careful with aftercare!! I feel like my teacher voice is going to become louder and more alarming should kids come within a 20cm radius of me after surgery haha! Xx good luck xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by BA_283 20.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by BA_283 20.
    Mia 2

    Hi ladies, another teacher here. I have booked in and paid for my surgery. It’s in October. (The week before half
    Term) but it means I will have to have two days off before the end of term. I’m a little nervous as I will just be calling and self certifying for that time. I am still in my probation period till December at this school and I’m scared them finding out will risk me losing my job! Am I just overthinking this? Or should I apply for a leave of absence for those two days? And if they don’t grant it I’m not sure what I’d do! Any replies will be appreciated! Thanks ladies x

    Niki 1

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    This thread is so helpful. I am also considering October half term and am concerned with working in a school. I think I would have unders as I am quite skinny. I would probably be able to have 9 days off as we have a non pupil day attached to the half term so would you think this will be ok ?

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