4 days to go! Checklist and last minute advice needed :) Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie

    Hey girls, ive got my surgery on Friday and just panicking now! Please can anyone do me a checklist that I need so I can make sure im fully prepared..

    Also may seem weird but any advice/suggestions on best foods to eat or avoid before and after surgery? I want everything to go smoothly as possible.. im just making sure I drink loads of water and eat loads of fruit and veg so my immune system is at its best.

    Any advice is so welcome, ahhhhhh so excited and a little nervous cant wait to see the end result. Thanks girls! xx

    Lara 30

    Definitely lots of pillows and a V pillow to sleep, as you will need to sleep upright or at an angle for a while.
    Straws to help drink, as you won’t be able to lift your arms much and it just makes it easier
    Food wise, high fibre foods as constipation was an issue for me with being sedentary and taking painkillers, and I’m usually the type who goes everyday and never gets constipated. Fybogel and senna also really helped. Fruit, veg, whole grains and protein are good for recovery.
    You’ll need a surgical bra for 6 weeks, if they don’t give you one you can buy them online or on M&S. One that opens at the front is good
    It would be good to have someone help you for the first week, like cooking/cleaning/getting dressed as you’d be in pain initially. I had pain for a long time and took 3 weeks off, but for other people it’s shorter. My friend went back to work after just a week.
    Avoid heavy lifting for 6 weeks post op. I had smaller milk cartons and didn’t fully fill the kettle or anything.
    Before the op, its a good idea to get the cleaning out of the way and cook for a few days to avoid to hassle afterwards.
    All the best x

    Gina 7

    I read all the comments on here to mentally and physically prepare me. In all honesty the effects of the general anaesthetic were worse than any of the recovery (I’m only 4 days post op). The nausea, vomiting, shakes and loss of focus lasted from recovery (2pm ish) until the next morning.

    My mobility has been absolutely fine- I had button/front zip tops but haven’t needed them. The front zip post surgery bras are great though!

    For sleep- a v pillow and a neck pillow.
    Comfy pjs to wear post op in hospital and you’ll probably go home in them!

    I also bought gel ice packs for the swelling but again haven’t needed them.

    Keep on top of the medication and pain killers they give you but try to stop/reduce them after 3 days. Get some arnica tablets for bruising.

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