5 weeks post op BA Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 19

    Hi girls,
    I am 5 weeks post op, I went to the gym 5 times a week before my op and I was told that I wouldn’t be able to go for 6 weeks and then after that I can resume back. As a gym freak I am I’m super excited that I can go back and train again next week however I am just wondering if there are things you still cannot do? I just don’t want to damage them.
    Can I go back doing sit-ups, spinning class, running and lifting weights ( will obviously start off light again) just basically everything I done before in moderation?

    Lara 30

    I was advised to start of gradual and avoid pec exercises for longer, like 3 months as I had Unders. But cardio machines should be ok, you might want to confirm with your surgeon about exercises like running that cause a lot of bounce as it might be a bit longer. I just cross train and to leg exercises, not 100% sure about weight lifting at 6 weeks if you had unders. But if you had overs it should be ok as it’s over the pectoral muscle

    Georgia 19

    Hi Lara
    I did have unders also, I am going to phone up next week to clarify. Do you think sit-ups will be okay ? I use to do sit-ups every morning and what do you think about planking ? I just can’t wait to get back into it all properly ! I have been walking everyday to try and keep fit still

    Lara 30

    Sit ups should be ok as it’s your abs.
    I’m not sure about planking, I find lifting my body weight or leaning with my arms still uncomfortable so I’d suggest see how you are.
    I’ve just been doing walking as well, and cycling on the machine since it’s non impact. The cross trainer should be ok by 6 weeks as well, as long as you wear a good sports bra. I bought a high impact one with moulded cups from M&S.

    Georgia 19

    Great thank you, I will just see how I go at 6 weeks, I will also have a look on m&s and get measured there as not even sure what size I am now and don’t see my surgeon again until end of October.

    Lara 30

    By the way have your boobs dropped and fluffed yet? Mine haven’t at 7 weeks, I feel I should have went bigger though, I’m hoping these boob greed feelings go away

    Hayley 9

    I’ve been doing HIIT stuff from week 1 and have gradually introduced more things that involve my arms, but then I had overs so I’m not as restricted as many, go with what your body tells you and just make it a gradual thing x

    Georgia 19

    Yes they have dropped Lara not sure if I could say fluffed but I am totally the same I have major boob greed I feel like they are small now that the swelling has gone down.. I was flat chested so when I am naked I love them I notice a massive difference but to people they wouldn’t even tell (which is what I wanted them to be natural) just wish I could have gone bigger !

    Oh yes Hayley see it is totally different when people have overs the pain isn’t as bad and it doesn’t effect your chest muscle as it doesn’t get cut and stretched, I am just going to go with what I think I can do it still feels weird doing stuff anyways going from having nothing to boobs ! Xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Georgia 19.

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