Bras & Scars Started by: Dominique

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    Hiii. I’m having BA on 22nd of October and I was just wondering how you go about sizing your post op bras as I have no clue where to start. Also how long after your op can you start using scar creams (bio oil) xxx

    Lara 30

    I just got a medium post op one, it was one that didn’t have sizing by cups just by bands. But now it’s too big after all the swelling has gone so go one size up. I was told by my surgeon to use bio oil or other scar creams at around the 4 week mark. I’m currently using Bio Oil, it hasn’t made a difference so far but I’m only 2 months PO. I heard the silicon scar tapes and gels are pretty good too, but kind of pricy


    Thank you for replying!! Perfect. Do you mind me asking what size you had?? X

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