Advice on Post Op Diet Started by: aries

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  • aries 4

    Hey everyone!

    I had my surgery 2 days ago and I dont know whats wrong with me but I’ve been craving for deep fried food and sugary food! I’m about to order wings and donuts – will this jeopardize my recovery? Is it too soon to eat like this? Im absolutely clueless

    April J 16

    I literally ate whatever I wanted afterwards as a treat hehe. I had eggs and soldiers, chicken wraps, cheese, chocolates, ice cream etc. All sorts but I did try not to live on takeaways for a week. One thing I will say though is that your tummy might be funny for a few days. Constipation is common post op and you don’t want too much crappy food that’ll block you, however you are gonna be feeling sore for a few days so do whatever makes you happy haha. I drank lots of lemon water though to help flush things through. Xx

    Liv 2

    Hiya ☺️ They say it’s best to eat healthy and have a high protein diet. They will tell you this when you have your one week post op appointment which I have just had mine today. Eating some crap won’t do any harm lol I had a McDonalds on day 4 after my op and a few bits of choc here and there but have ate fairly healthy otherwise. And they are happy with how my incisions are healing. The better the food you give your body the quicker it will heal ☺️ Xx

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