Post Op Started by: Juliea

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  • Juliea 1

    Hi all

    I am 3 weeks post op on monday. I had 275and 325 overs. I think they have dropped quite quick but as my right has the most implant i feel it sits higher. I have been using the asda post surgery bras but feel thisare too looseso had a zip front crop top fromsainsburys which feels tighter but also bouggt some seamless comfort bras from there will these be ok to wear?

    I can not upload any pics:(


    Hi girly I’m having the same issue. I also had 275cc for left but 310cc for my right and unders! My right boob still is sitting higher and dropping slower then my left one.
    I had fast recovery so I can’t help you on what you should wear but I’m sure you can find out if you browsed through some more forums. Also I had to download “image size” to make the pics smaller since the max file is 512kb. Idk what’s best but I chose 600 width and 600 height.
    Also what size were you previously and what size are you now? I’m dying to get measured

    Juliea 1

    Hey.. previosuly i was a 36Con left 36Aon right
    I boughta 38D and that fits snug so i think my final size may be a DD or possibly an E which i am happy about. Iam also on the tall side and quite broad.

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    Juliea 1

    Oh my just seen urs they look real
    Good and you hadyour op same day as me ?

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