Hey 🙂
I was an empty 34B before, had 325 hp overs last Thursday. I was so worried about the pain and prepared whole heartedly for the worst. But I’m not joking it’s been a breeze. Had no real pain straight after except a bit of a pinching feeling in my left incision sight which subsided pretty quick. Took all of my prescribed pain relief that night anyway because I read you shouldn’t wait till you are in pain and slept great propped up on all my pillows. Achy/bruising feeling got slightly worse over the next couple of days but never painful just like when your muscles hurt after the gym (not that I go gym 😂). Stopped taking the codeine day 3 and now I’m day 5 and just taking paracetamol and ibuprofen when I feel a bit achy.
Obviously everyone is different but I hope this helps.