330cc moderate plus vs 345 moderate plus under Started by: Saskia

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  • Saskia

    I’ve just had my consultation for my breast enlargement and I’m conflicted between sizes, I’m currently a 34 b weight 9st 3 5ft 1 wearing size 8/10 in clothes. I’m wanting to be a d cup and my surgeon has recommended between a 330 moderate plus or 345 moderate plus, I don’t want to be massive as I’m quite small I also want a nice under boob so I’m worried if the 345 will be too big protection wise, I know that’s minimal cc amount but the projection is what I’m concerned with can someone help me out please? 😫

    Emma 29

    Hi unfortunately I can’t really help as I didn’t get moderate I got high profiles and I went to a d cup from an a cup with 340cc also size 8-10 .. I think you should get a d cup tho with either of those sizes as you say there really isn’t much -if any difference between them .. good luck ! X

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Emma 29.

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