4 days post op Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    hey ☺️
    Just wondering if this is normal I’m 4 days post op and I feel so so sore Ino there’s obviously going to be pain but is the burning and shooting pains through your boobs normal?
    I also have some burning pain in my right armpit
    I had them under the muscle just wondering if anyone else gets this xx

    Heidi 217

    Totally normal, the shooting pains are the nerves rebuilding so its actually good to get them:) xx


    Hey Heidi ☺️

    Thankyou I just didnt know what pain was normal or not but so glad that it is normal what I’m experiencing 😅


    Hi girls ,

    I’m currently 2 days post op and sometimes I’m in a lot of pain , I’m obviously sore underneath my boobs but have started experiencing shooting pains in my Cleavage and shoot pains when I left my right arm up. I have 375 cc overs dread to think what I’d be like with unders 😂 I’ve been worried as I didn’t know if this much pain was normal but after your comments I feel abit reassured xx


    Hey olivia

    awww that’s exactly what i am experiencing so it definitely must be normal 😅thank god for that
    I have unders and it feels really painful
    I’ve got pain in my cleavage in my right armpit and all around my boobs I get these horrible feeling of shooting/ burning pain 🙈 I keep getting abit of back pain too but the nurse told me to do shoulder and arm exercises so relax my muscles in my back so that seems to be helping
    Finger crossed 🤞the pain starts to get better soon for us both
    Glad our comments have reassured you ☺️xx


    Hey pink,

    Yeah it must be totally normally! The nurse rang me earlier today to see how I’m doing I explained to her and she said everything sounds fine They’ve softened also which she said she’s happy with, I think it’s just a long process but I’m sure it will be worth it in the end! I hope the pain gets easier for you and you have a speedy recovery! Xx


    hey Olivia

    Thankyou ☺️
    And thats really good to hear mine have seemed to have softened abit too I’ve got my 1 week post op check up on Thursday so hopefully can have all the strapping off that I have on now lol it’s so itchy and feels really dirty 🤢I can’t wait till it’s off
    Yeah it’s definitely going to be worth it all of this ☺️
    Hope you have a speedy recovery too 🥰xx

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