Older women having/had BA Started by: Cat

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  • Cat 15

    Hi peeps,
    I am turning 40 on the 14th March 2020, and have started my journey to getting the boobs I have always wanted 😁👍🏻 I know 40 isn’t ‘old’ and plenty of women have BAs at all ages. I just wanted to hear from any women my age who have had a BA and find out what the pain and healing process was like, being slightly older, does the healing time take longer? Did they find the pain manageable? How long was it before they went back to doing everyday household things, hooving, washing up, loading/unloading washing machine, cooking meals, mashing potatoes 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 etc. I have my husband and 12 yr old son to help me after surgery. Any advice, tips, tricks to make the pain easier to manage and help the healing process, will be great 👍🏻
    Cat 😘

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Cat 15.

    Hey cat

    What are you having done ? Are you having overs or unders
    The pain and recovery is longer with unders
    I had 460 cc ultra high profile under the muscle
    I don’t think it matters what age you are it all depends on person to person as everyone heels in different stages

    You made me laugh when you said about mashing potatoes 🤣 not sure will be doing that for a while 🤣



    Cat 15

    🤣 my boys love mash and have 2 dinners a week with it so no idea what they are going to eat while I cannot cook 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️. I am going for a BA, I am yet to have my consultation with Mr Sleiter, (26th Feb 2020) but I am thinking as I have a fair amount of breast tissue I think he will offer overs, as for size I want big but not massive and high profile if not UHP as I have never had a cleavage or look like I actually have boobies 🤦🏼‍♀️ not sure if I will need a little lift as well, I am really excited but have some many, what about after questions, as I am going to find not doing the normal mummy/wife life hard (well the boys will find it harder 🤣). I have wanted bigger boobies since I was in my late teens, my step daughter had a BA 12 years ago and re-augmentation last week, due to capsula contracture. I wanted my boobies done back then but never had the money or means but now I have the money and I always said if I ever had a boob job I would always wait until I am 40 to give my girls a little boost 🤣


    Hey cat

    🤣 They might have to do without the mash for a couple of weeks 🙈
    If you have enough breast tissue he could possibly say overs I wasn’t allowed overs because didn’t have much breast tissue I was a deflated 32 A cup after having 2 kids
    I’ve never really had nice boobs either only seemed decent when I was pregnant after that they just vanished 🤣
    I thought ide need a lift aswell but my surgeon told me I didn’t and that they had just deflated after pregnancy 🙈
    if you have the money now and it’s something you have always wanted then go for it
    Whatever is going to make you feel better ☺️everyone deserves to feel good about themselves xx

    Reen 1

    Hi! I am 48 & had my first breast augmentation unders, on 15th Dec. Don’t worry about the age, as it’s a big op, I think everyone suffers afterwards! I’m a fairly fit, active person, so I don’t think my age really affected me.
    I was in discomfort rather than pain for a week or so. As I’m a firefighter, I didn’t go back to work properly until after 6 weeks, but I think most women return to normal jobs between 1-2 weeks. Take strong painkillers & that will help. Take it slow & don’t try to do too much, or lift anything remotely heavy. Your body will tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing. I used my feet quite a lot, closing washing machine door, moving washing baskets. I’m now nearly 10wk post op & have just come back from a skiing holiday! So back to normal!
    Love them, wish I’d had them done earlier! Good luck!

    Pink chick 32

    @Cat, I am almost 3 weeks post op and will be 40 in a few weeks. I had unders, it was sore but from a mummy point of view I was driving for school runs etc and doing some light housework things like cooking and tidying etc the very next day. Mashing is likely to be one of the sorer movements if ur having unders and more so if having a lift, but not so much if overs. Could you get ur husband or the kids to do the mashing or do some batches and freeze them? I have a heavy job and have returned after 2.5 weeks but trying to take it easy.

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