10 wpo – Side Profile not same on one side Started by: Lou555

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  • Lou555 4

    I’m 10 weeks po and my left side dropped a lot quicker than my right. I think the right still has some more to do but if feels normal and part of me! However the left feels different and sometimes I can fill it moving or a odd sensation from inside. It feels soft like the other one but side profile it looks quite straight on the lower profile to my nipple, almost like it’s not projecting out enough. I had teardrop dual plane 280cc. I am not with Mya, I had an appointment at 4 weeks but that is it now. I have contacted my surgeon a few times about different things, I’m not sure if I should wait as he had previously said it takes a good 6 months to get a true picture…. I don’t want to seem like an hypochondriac. Has anyone else had one side look / feel different then turned out ok after a few more weeks / months. Thank you x

    Lou555 4

    I had moderate profile, from the front they look same size but not the side profile


    I’m close to 6 months PO and get really sad some days that my left breast is smaller and more rippling. I love my right side, and am going to see my dr in a few weeks, I had to cancel appointments but I’d like to hear from you. I did 255cc teardrop under muscle

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