Just over 2.5 years PO with overs, feel like they’re changing again? Started by: Beth

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  • Beth 25

    Hey girls, I had 300/325 high profile overs in October 2017 (Not with MYA) but the last month or so I definitely feel like they’re changing shape, I feel like they’ve dropped again & aren’t as full 🙁 I was a 32A before hand I’m now 32E. I went through a phase after 1 year PO where I didn’t really wear my sports bra to bed (I know that’s naughty!!) I’m wondering if that’s impacted my boobs? I’m also a stomach sleeper, I’ve read that that can also change the shale if your boobs. Feeling really disheartened:( I have uploaded a pic of now Xx

    Beth 25

    Try again!

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    Beth 25

    This was 1 year PO I feel like they look so much better than now!

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    Beth 25

    @louiselou do you see what I mean 🙁 xxx

    Louise 90

    I personally still feel like they look great! Mine also definitely don’t sit up very high anymore & they do look more natural this far along, perhaps ask for a consultation (when available) to see your surgeon to air any concerns etc? I doo see a difference but I still think they look great xx

    Beth 25

    @louiselou it’s so reassuring you can see what I mean, everyone else thinks I’m going mad! I miss the fullness of them! I’ve requested a consult with my surgeon a few times now but the company I’m with keep fobbing me off (Not MYA) they keep telling me they’re so much better than I had before which is true but I’m just not loving them anymore & it’s only been 2.5 years! Xx

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