Does anyone regret getting implants? Started by: Charlotte

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    Hi there,

    I’m currently researching hard about getting breast implants and I see a lot of people’s positive journeys but I wondered if anyone has any regrets about getting implants? If so, what are they?

    I’m still very much on the fence and would love to hear people stories from both sides of the fence. X

    Bre 3

    Hey Charlotte. I’m having my second BA in a few months and I’m so excited!!! It’s not a thing to regret! You will love it! Just go for it babe!


    Hi Bre, thank you for your reply. That’s great to hear!
    Do you mind me asking what size and surgeon you went with?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Charlotte.

    If you’re not 100% id say leave it for now because it is a big decision to make, id also advise to research breast implant illness as it is more common than you think and its quite serious. I went for a consultation when I was 18 and the surgeon was so honest with me and I just changed my mind and cancelled my op, 8 years later I’ve finally booked to get it done because I know its exactly what I want. id honestly say watch youtube videos have a look on real self too for surgeons and for pictures 🙂 but id just say research as much as you can before you decide lol

    Olga 8

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    I would do this again. The best decision I’ve ever made.

    Yvonne 28

    I regret going so big. I had 450cc and I wish i’d gone smaller x


    I’ve not had my ba yet booked for November but I’ve been on and off for years. But now I’ve finished having children I feel like it’s the right time for me. I’m not going very big 300cc I miss the volume and curves.

    Do lots of research, make sure it’s for you, don’t feel pressured into anything by anyone/a company.

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