Excited Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Anyone else really excited and can’t wait for there surgery date.

    I feel like it’s all that’s on my mind and I want to sort out to be ready for.

    I could talk implants sizes ect all day long.

    Don’t think my husbands quite feels the same but I can’t wait I never thought it would be happening and now it is I feel like I’m waiting for Christmas

    My surgery isn’t till November so I’ve got quite awhile yet.


    Hi Jay,

    I am a few steps behind you just now, recently booked my initial consultation for 22nd June but I certainly share your excitement. I’m buzzing! It’s nice to be able to talk to people who feel the exact excitement!

    I assume you have had your face to face consultation as you have your surgery booked, how was it?
    Also, did you choose to have November as a surgery date or is that the earliest you could book?


    Hey tash,

    So nice to have people in the same boat as me.

    I’ve had three consultations 🙈🙈 but I finally booked last week.

    I’ve not actually had a face to face just lots of zoom appointments, photos, measurements Ect. I met the surgeons through zoom also done the crisalix 3D images. That was brilliant! I

    My pre op when I get to actually pick everything isn’t till October.

    Feels like forever away. I’ve had zoom chats with my patient co ordinator she’s really nice and helpful I’ve been emailing a lot I’m quiet a organised research everything kinda person.

    November was just the month given to me I got a deal with the clinic I went with if I waited till November. October was the month I had in mind I’ve got three children so I wanted them to all be in school for recovery x

    Is that you first consultation? Where are you looking to go?

    Glad I’m not the only one, I can’t share my excitement with friends and family they don’t really understand how much I’ve wanted this


    Hey Jay,

    Oh my goodness – CONGRATULATIONS! <3
    It definitely is worth researching, its a big decision so fair play to you for waiting until you were ready.

    Technology is amazing these days, you have done all that without meeting anyone – how fab! Were you not a bit nervous or has all the excitement got rid of that?

    Ah that makes sense regarding dates, and if you got a deal even better! You’ll definitely need a bit of “you time” for recovery I can imagine.

    This will be my first consultation yes, looking to have the operation in London. I’m actually getting married next August so as you can imagine dress shopping is on my horizon. The thought of getting into a wedding dress right now with tiny boobs petrifies me and my fiancé was like “Go for it – if this is what you want, get them done now – book it!” and I thought.. ok I will haha!
    Now i’m spending my evenings looking at other womens lovely, perfect boobs!!

    Do you have an idea of what you will be going for and how big etc?


    How exciting tash, wedding dress shopping is amazing but I know what you mean about tiny boobs in the dress my dress was so padded to give me the look I wanted.

    How lovely of him and how supportive.
    My husbands always been dead against it but now he’s seen how much it means and how much it affect me. Even just the little things like T-shirt’s, swimming with the kids, being intimate. Boobs always play a part.

    I got three different opinions, three different surgeons and clinics. It’s surprising how different each one is. The lead up to the consultations I was sooo nervous for my first one sweaty palms! But it was quite short he had made up the 3D images I was amazed then he said I needed a uplift so instantly I was a bit upset by that but still listened and asked all the questions.

    2nd consultation saw my patient coordinator and she was lovely we had a good chat and then I see the surgeon I had to show him everything. On the screen that was a bit nerve racking but if I want this done I just did it and it was ok. He said everything I wanted to achieve without me even saying a word. He knew what I lacked and what I needed.

    My evening is the exact same boobs, boobs and boobs. Looking at implant sizes, Different brands, best things for after surgery.

    I think I’m going to be going for 300cc dual plane round Demi motiva implants.

    The max he said I could go was 320/350cc I’m currently a flat 32b so I hope to end up a D/DD. I did want teardrop but my lack of volume it’s not the best choice

    Do you have any ideas on what you would like? What you size? Shape?


    August is the best time to get married I got married in august it was lovely

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