Unders vs partials Started by: Beth Pugh

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  • Beth Pugh 41

    Hey ladies! Im booked to have my surgery on the 12th of feb, agreed at consultation for 375cc uhp textured unders. Currently 34B 5ft7 10st 5lbs. I was offered both over and under muscle at my consultation and it didn’t even cross my mind at the time about partials, i chose unders because I want a more natural look, would i still get that from partials? Any pictures would be helpful just as i want to see if the implants sit different and how different results are between unders and partials?
    Thanks in advance!

    Elisha webber 22

    Hi Beth,

    I am 3 weeks post op with 380cc hp unders and love the results, will upload some pics to give you an idea. id personally go for unders as they give a much more natural appreance x

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    Beth Pugh 41

    Hey! Yours look amazing! My fear with going fully under i think is them looking smaller still but yours look so natural!! Thank you

    Elisha webber 22


    Thank you !

    If your concern is them looking smaller going under why don’t you go slightly bigger? X

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