Has anyone had a reop for uneven nipples? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 6

    Hi everyone
    I had my procedure in May 2019, I knew there was some asymmetry pre op but my surgeon said that he might fit two different sized implants. He ended up going with two 350 implants.
    Now my nipples look super uneven. There is a 2cm difference in height of them and the left breast is 1cm lower than the right. I’ve had a consultation in March 2020 and a second opinion nearly a year later yesterday and now I’m being told that my surgeon has no slots to be able to discuss the second opinion until possibly April.
    My second opinion surgeon said it’s best if I just learn to live with it, or I could have another implant inserted in my right with a breast band to lower the pocket and then to deal with the consequences which may be bottoming out or double bubble.
    Has anyone else had this issue? Did you have a reop?
    I used to be so impressed with MYA post op care but honestly the minute you start showing aesthetic problems they don’t seem to want to know.


    Hiya, i had my opp last feb, mine was a little off before the surgery too and still are, i mean i dont know how bad yours is but my boyf and tbh i do think because i had them done im looking for PERFECTION but nothings going to be perfect to i try and be greatfull hahahah, hope your ok though because i know the feeing xxx

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