Feeling anxious Started by: Heather

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  • Heather

    Hey Girls,

    I am planning to get my boobs done this year, but I have health anxiety and the whole thing of getting put asleep and how I will feel after surgery is scaring me. I really want them doing though, did anyone else feel the same?

    Thanks girls

    Sophie 17

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    Hey Heather, I had my op just under 4 weeks ago. I was terrified of being put to sleep but the whole process was so amazing, the staff at first trust Preston were fab! It is nerve wracking but you just have to focus on the end result, I am so happy and I’m sure you will be too! Any questions let me know x

    Kaz Wilks 41

    Oh god the thought of the anesthetic is giving me nightmares 😫😫

    Natilly 37


    I was anxious too. Everyone was lovely, it took just under an hour and I woke up to them telling me it all went perfect and they were wheeling me to my room!

    You’ll be fine. Try not to worry, I know easier said than done! Ask plenty of questions and tell them about your concerns, they’ll be able to reassure you.

    Good luck.

    Jessica 6

    I hate GA and stupidly thought it would be similar to my c section GA experience it was far from it ! No tubes no pressure to the neck. I went in had a tiny cannula in my hand so much smaller than the usual ones nhs have given me. I then had a sedative and felt a bit fuzzy and didn’t even countdown I was straight out ! I broke my heart going in for my section I was terrified, I was made to feel so comfortable I didn’t shed a tear having BA. It is a really lovely experience please don’t let that worry spoil it !


    I felt very anxious too, even though I’ve been under GA before. I had my procedure just over 3 weeks ago and I have tina at that it couldn’t have gone more smoothly. Everyone was so kind and reassuring. They really put you at ease. They put a tiny calendula in your hand and start counting to 10. You fall asleep way before you finish counting and then you wake up in the recovery room. After having done it, I wouldn’t feel worried about ever doing it again. You will be fine. Xxx

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