When can I remove my post op bra? Started by: Shona

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  • Shona

    Hi I had my BA yesterday morning I was wondering if anyone knows if I am allowed to take my post op bra off for abit every now and then or do I need to keep it on day and night for a few days or is it a few weeks? Thank you! Xx

    Dee 1

    No you’re supposed to keep the bra on 24/7 except for washing/showering. 2 weeks post op they said I could change to another sports bra but I kept my macom bra on as it offers full support. The bra should stay on a minimum 6 weeks. From 8 weeks you can wear any bra. I’m just over 7 weeks and still like to wear my macom. After it’s been off even for showering it feels tight again when u put it back on so you can tell they do love without it x

    MsNR22 26

    Hi, had my BA Friday 3rd Feb. When can I shower? I’ve just washed my body with a soap flannel but avoided the boob area? And do we leave the incision plasters alone until the nurse appointment in 7 days time?

    Dee 1

    It all depends how your incisions are healing. I showered after my plasters came off but still avoided the boob area. I probably waited around 3 weeks before I showered and washed my hair in the shower. I had to get my boyfriend to wash it whilst I leaned back against the bath. Ask at your post op don’t remove the plasters they will remove for you and look at the wounds. They will put more on if you need them

    MsNR22 26

    It’s now approaching day4 post my BA op. I’ve not removed the bra at all. I’ve washed around the boob area with a soapy flannel. And I’m still wearing a strap across the top of my chest. I can’t find any written instructions from MYA on post surgery after care.


    hey i’m now 9 days post op and had my first post op appointment friday just gone..

    the bra must be left on untill your first post op appointment where you will take it off and then the nurse will have a look and change your dressings. you must not get it wet at all so lower body showers are fine but baby wipes for upper body..

    I have my second post op on sunday where she will change the dressings again and apply a shower resistant dressing over the top so hopefully i’ll be able to have a proper shower then!

    I think the bra has to be on 24/7 for the first few weeks, i’ve taken mine off just to change it to a clean one as i needed to wash the first one but that’s it! Also don’t touch the dressings they do it all for you☺️ hope this helps xx

    MsNR22 26

    Yes this helps a lot. Thanks

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