Left boob hasn’t dropped Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    I am just over 2 months post op and my right boob has dropped perfectly – looks and feels great. My left boob however is still full on top on empty on the bottom . Essentially hasn’t dropped and fluffed like the right one.
    Before the ‘drop’ any differences weren’t too noticeable but now the right boob has dropped I feel like the asymmetry is exaggerated even more and I am so worried this will be the final result.
    Has anyone experienced their implants dropping at different rates and taking longer to drop than average? X

    Kat 2

    Hiya! I remember doing some research and reading up on the MYA blog which I think might help answer your question! Here’s the exact passage “Dropping and fluffing should happen to every patient who has breast implants; everyone heals at different rates and it’s important to remember that your breasts are sisters, not twins, and that one breast can heal quicker than the other.” so based on that, I think it’s saying that it’s okay for one breast to drop and fluff and the other one to take a bit longer, I suppose it really just depends on your body so don’t worry too much about it. It can take up to a year for them to settle into their actual position. Hope that helps! Xx

    MsNR22 26

    Hi, I’m 7 weeks post op. Left boob has dropped and fluffed and nipple feels normal. Right boob still feels sore and weird and not dropped and fluffed as much as the left one … hoping it will sort itself out asap . Mine have a wide gap. Would have liked more natural cleavage.


    Hi Gemma. How long did it take for your first one to drop? I’m at around 5 weeks, and neither are showing any signs of dropping! I’ve read a lot, and it seems that it’s quite normal for them to take a long time, and to drop at different times (particularly if under the muscle). Seems to take forever!

    Miss M 10

    hey i’ll make you all feel better. i’m 7weeks and mine are square and haven’t even started to drop. i had an uplift reduction & impants. so i’m giving it a little more time before i panic because they don’t look pretty good at this moment .


    How are they now? Has the squareness gone?

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